How and Why Fame?

Tetris Effect Bibliography

Back in 1994, Jeffrey Goldsmith wrote a piece called This Is Your Brain On Tetris. In it, he coined two terms, pharmatronic and the Tetris Effect. It was the second term that has thus far gotten traction, and coining a term is a way to get a little bit famous. The original: This Is Your…

Ping Pong Can Make You Famous

Wish you were famous as the fastest ping pong shot? No need to really clock in as the best. Instead, be the most interesting. Glue Gummy Bears all over your body and your opponent can use Swedish Fish. Be gamous. Now, play ping pong at a reasonably fast pace in a public place. Shoot a…

Fujiko Fujio of Doreamon Fame

Fujiko Fujio isn’t anybody. It’s a made up name for the inventor of the inventive character Doreamon. So, who was Fujiko Fujio? A pair of boys who met in elementary school, formed a partnership at 17, then went to see Astro Boy creator Osamu Tezuka together, and then worked as a team until 1987. And…